Generally speaking once a divorce is final, the non-military spouse must surrender the military ID, as they are no longer eligible for any benefits previously granted by virtue of having said ID unless the parties were married for at least 20 years prior to the divorce and the service member had at least 20 years of military service.
If such years of service exist, full benefits, including medical, commissary, base exchange, theater and certain transportation benefits are provided.
The exception to this is if you have dependent children under 10. Then you carry an ID card so that they may use their privileges. Once they reach age 10, they will receive their own ID card. Dependent children still have access to base exchange, commissary and other military institutions. They also have medical care provided by TriCare. They’ll need their ID card to be seen by military doctors and should have a TriCare card as proof of insurance.
Military ID cards are considered government property and sponsors have a responsibility to retrieve and return dependent ID cards when the dependent is no longer eligible.
Continued use or possession by an unauthorized dependent is a federal criminal offense.
Should you be in the midst of a military divorce or contemplating divorce, contact the Law Offices of Renee Lazar either through email or telephone 978-844-4095 to schedule a FREE one hour no obligation consultation.