The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination has held that discrimination against transgender individuals could constitute sex and disability discrimination. Massachusetts law defines “gender identity” as “a person’s gender-related identity, appearance or...
Month: July 2023
Have You Been Terminated by Your Massachusetts Employer While on Medical Leave?
In the case, DaPrato v. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), the central claim was that the MWRA terminated DaPrato in retaliation for his exercise of his right to take medical leave under the FMLA. In relevant part, the FMLA provides that '[i]t shall be...
How to Handle Common Co-parenting Issues for Massachusetts Parents
Parenting for Massachusetts parents is challenging under normal circumstances and can be even more complex when co-parenting during a conflict. Ideally, Massachusetts divorced, or separated parents should have a direct line of communication to discuss childcare...
Tax Treatment of Alimony in Massachusetts
Alimony is a payment to or for a Massachusetts spouse or former spouse under a divorce or separation agreement. A divorce or separation instrument is one of the following: A decree of divorce or separate maintenance or a written instrument incident to that decree A...
Lost Massachusetts Military Pension Division
In a Massachusetts divorce, a military pension is considered a marital asset and is subject to division. If at the time of your divorce, the parties failed to litigate or divide the pension pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 208, 34, namely your former spouses military pension,...
Having More Than Two Massachusetts Children Can Cause Cognitive Decline
As of 2020, the average American family has 1.93 children. Still, having more children than the norm isn’t unusual, with about 38% of mothers aged 40 to 44 having had 3 or more children. Having three or more kids has its positives and negatives. There will be more...
Workday AI Disqualifies Applicants Who Are Black Or Over The Age Of 40
A Black man is suing Workday Inc., claiming its artificial intelligence disqualifies applicants who are Black, disabled, or over the age of 40 at a disproportionate rate. The suit, which was filed in the US District Court for the Northern District of California,...
The Law About Health Care Proxies in Massachusetts
A competent adult in Massachusetts can create a Health Care Proxy (HCP), a legal document appointing a trusted person, called a Health Care Agent (HCA), to make medical care and treatment decisions on the person’s behalf if he or she later becomes incapacitated. The...
7 Things To Consider When Choosing a Preschool for Your Massachusetts Children
Preschool is the start of your Massachusetts child’s educational journey which can significantly impact their future. They learn so much, from the basics of communication and socialization to the foundation of reading and writing. Moreover, it’s an excellent time to...
Evictions Harm the Health of Massachusetts Children
Harvard Medical School student Bruce Ramphal has published an analysis of past research on evictions and their health impact, working with collaborators from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Law School and the Center on the Developing Child at...