Here is an overview of the Americans with Disability Act issues which directly affect Massachusetts nursing home residents. Right to receive all benefits and services provided: For example, if a nursing home provides internet access as a community service, the...
IRS Tax Tip: Massachusetts Taxpayers with Disabilities Have Equal Access to IRS Services Through Reasonable Accommodations
The IRS is committed to serving all taxpayers, including people with disabilities. By providing reasonable accommodations, the IRS ensures that all taxpayers with disabilities have equal access to the agency’s programs, activities and services. There are many possible...
ABLE Accounts Help Disabled Massachusetts Family Members
Are you familiar with Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Accounts for Massachusetts residents? There may be a tax-advantaged way for people to save for the needs of family members with disabilities — without having them lose eligibility for government benefits...
FAQ’s: Service Animals v. Emotional Support Animals in Massachusetts
Here is a sampling of the most frequently asked questions about service animals v. emotional support animals in Massachusetts: Do public places have to allow emotional support animals? Maybe. Emotional support animals do not meet the Americans with Disabilities Act...
Divorce Actions Involving Incompetent Parties
If a divorce litigant is incompetent, his legal representative, such as a general guardian, conservator or other fiduciary, may sue on behalf of the incompetent person. However, if the incompetent person has no such legally appointed representative then the domestic...