Who gets to keep an engagement ring if a Massachusetts romance turns sour and the wedding is called off? That’s what the highest court in Massachusetts was asked to decide with a $70,000 ring at the center of the dispute. The court ultimately ruled that an engagement...
Unmarried Couples
Fight Over $70,000 Ring In Massachusetts Tests Rules Of Engagement
He put a ring on it. Can he get it back? That's the question Massachusetts' highest court will tackle when it hears arguments over who is entitled to a $70,000 Tiffany engagement ring after the would-be groom called off marriage plans and sued his former fiancee to...
Discussion of the Rights of Massachusetts Unmarried Couples
Here is a list of selected Massachusetts cases about unmarried couples and domestic partnerships Charron v. Amaral, 451 Mass. 767 (2008) Unmarried cohabitants are not entitled to recover claims for loss of consortium. Collins v. Guggenheim, 417 Mass. 615 (1994) The...
If We Do Not Marry in Massachusetts, Who Gets the Engagement Ring?
If you are engaged, but haven't married your fiancé in Massachusetts: You may be able to keep your engagement ring, or Your fiancé may be able to get it back. It all depends on what happened. It depends on why you did not get married. Your fiancé may be able to get...