Massachusetts laws prohibit discrimination in housing. It is against the law to deny anyone housing based on:
- race
- color
- sex
- national origin
- religion
- children or gamily status
- disability
- age (except minors)
- ancestry
- veteran status
- sources of income
- married status
- sexual orientation
- housing subsidies or rental assistance
Be alert for the signs of discrimination!
Misrepresenting the availability of housing: A landlord, owner, or real estate agent tells you that the housing is unavailable, when in fact, it has not been rented or sold.
Steering: A real estate agent, landlord, or owner offers you housing only in neighborhoods with people who have the same race, ethnicity, or familial status as you.
Refusals to rent or sell: A landlord or real estate agent refuses to rent or sell to you because you are a member of one of the protected groups listed above.
Discriminatory advertising: Any written statement, including newspaper ads, or any oral statement that indicates a preference or limitation for a member of one of the protected groups listed above.
Harassment: A landlord, neighbor or other person harasses you because you are a member of one of the protected groups listed above. This can include sexual harassment.
Housing discrimination prevents individuals and families from living in the communities they choose.
Contact the Law Offices of Renee Lazar at 978-844-4095 to schedule a FREE one hour no obligation consultation to discuss your concerns.