Then again, when a woman loses respect for her man, maintaining the relationship/marriage becomes much harder than before.
When a wife shows no respect to her husband, he will begin to notice a change in her attitude and the way she relates with him.
Loss of respect in a relationship is lethal and shouldn’t be treated with kids’ gloves if there’s any hope of the relationship to be salvaged immediately. The signs of disrespect in a relationship must be monitored to uncover if there are other underlying causes of what’s going on.
If your relationship is currently suffering because the woman has lost respect for her husband, this article will show you everything you need to know and do, including the reasons why men lose the respect of their wives.
What happens when you lose respect for your wife
While this may not be a subject everyone loves to talk about, the stats show that many men have lost respect for their wives. Research documented in 2021 reveals that as much as every one in four women are victims of recurrent domestic violence.
This, sadly, is one of the first signs of lack of respect in a marriage. When a man loses respect for his wife, the aforementioned research also points out the violence against women under such circumstances.
Also, when a man has lost respect for a spouse (his wife), their marriage will often end up becoming painful, unhappy, stressful, and unfulfilling for all of them in the home. So, to keep your relationship strong, you must make sure that you never end up losing respect for your partner.
Signs of disrespect in a relationship
There are many classical signs that either of you (or both of you) are losing respect in your relationship. In case you were wondering, here are 20 signs of disrespect in a relationship and also how to deal with them.
15 common reasons why men lose the respect of their wives
Here are some of the reasons why a woman might end up showing no respect for her husband
1. The wife begins to play the mother
When a woman stops relating to her husband like a spouse and starts relating with him as a mother, it is only a matter of time until he begins to interpret her actions as borderline ‘disrespectful.’
This change in perspective can often easily be interpreted as one of the signs your wife doesn’t respect you.
2. He is emotionally manipulative
No one loves to be the victim of emotional manipulation, gaslighting, and blackmail.
When a woman discovers that her husband is emotionally exploitative, her means of protecting herself could be to recoil into her shell or be on the offensive. This may end up being interpreted as a lack of respect in a relationship.
3. When she feels like other men do better jobs at being husbands than her husband does
One of the major reasons why men lose the respect of their wives is because their wives tend to compare.
When a woman spends most of her time comparing her husband against other men (and is vocal about her obvious dissatisfaction), the husband may end up feeling pressured and this can easily be interpreted by him as disrespect.
4. Aggression
One of the sad parts of life is that the bully almost always loses the respect of the bullied.
When a wife has come to know her husband as that man who always resorts to aggression to get his bidding done every single time, she may end up putting up physical, mental, and emotional walls as her way of protecting herself.
His aggressive nature can cause a response in her that can eventually be interpreted as a woman having lost respect for her husband.
5. Incessant criticism
When nothing a woman does is ever good enough for her husband, she may become withdrawn, passive toward him, and take up a stance that suggests that his opinions do not count to her again.
Men who retain their respect as far as their wives are concerned are masters at balancing constructive criticism with praise and respect for their wives.
6. Infidelity and obvious flirting
Research has revealed that Post Infidelity Stress Disorder (PISD) is one of the classical signs that can follow cheating episodes in marriages.
Since this can threaten a woman’s emotional wellbeing and psychological health, she may end up relating with her husband in ways that can make him feel as though he is being disrespected.
When a woman has to deal with the aftermath of infidelity (especially if she doesn’t want to end the marriage for reasons like her children/ego), she may end up losing respect for her husband.
7. She is simply no longer interested in the marriage
While this may be a bitter pill to swallow, it remains the truth. When a woman is no longer interested in a marriage, one way she can easily communicate this is by being openly disrespectful to her husband.
8. She may be having an extramarital affair
When a woman has lost respect for her husband, it could be because she’s having an extramarital affair.
This may not begin as a desire to disrespect her spouse but the thrill that comes from knowing that she has what can be referred to as a plan B can cause her to create this ideal mental situation where she believes that she doesn’t have to defer to her husband again.
9. Underlying mental trauma
This could be scenarios like growing up in a home where the mother used to openly disrespect the father or having past negative experiences with men and romantic relationships. When a woman disrespects her man, this factor should be probed carefully, and the possibilities eliminated or confirmed.
10. The husband isn’t as wealthy as his wife
Men generally tend to feel threatened when their wives earn more money than they do. As a result, they may be pushed to cheat on her, exert themselves in a bid to reinforce their masculinity (thereby coming off as aggressive), or even become violent to their wives.
As a result, some women may end up responding to their husbands with disrespect, as they try to exert their independence as well.
These studies have shown that as a result of these, divorce rates tend to increase immediately after a woman begins to earn more than her husband.
11. They no longer make out time to spend with their wives and families
When a man becomes too busy and hardly spends time with his wife and family, resentment begins to brew. Sometimes, this resentment and anger will be revealed as disrespect from the wife to the husband and even from the children to their father.
12. He has relinquished his responsibilities as a husband and father
When a man stays updated with his responsibilities toward his wife and children, it is easier for the entire family to uphold the respect they have for him. However, when a man constantly shows himself to be irresponsible, signs of disrespect in a relationship can begin to show up.
13. She is stressed and struggling with personal issues
When a woman is stressed and dealing with personal issues (especially the ones she hasn’t talked to her husband about), she may end up disrespectfully relating to him. When he tries to come close and discover what’s happening to her, she may just end up lashing out at him.
14. She is probably responding to the disrespect he has communicated to her over time
This is called mirroring and is the condition in which one person unconsciously imitates the speech patterns, gestures, and attitudes of another person over time. When a man has disrespected his wife over time, she may begin to mirror his attitudes and this could be easily interpreted as disrespect.
15. The man hasn’t communicated effective leadership skills
When a man is unable to communicate that he is a leader (and thereby allows her to do all the leading in the relationship), she may end up losing respect for him over time.
How to cope with a disrespecting wife
Here’s how a man can cope with a wife who has lost respect for her husband.
1. Make up your mind that you wouldn’t take her disrespect to heart.
She may be doing those subconsciously, and preventing them from getting to you is necessary if you want to face the disrespect head-on.
2. Talk to your wife
Sometimes, she doesn’t know that some of the things she does are signs of disrespect. It is up to you to enlighten her. While doing this, ensure that you aren’t judgmental with your approach. Communication is key.
3. Ask her how you can make it better
Are there things you would do to make her feel and show more respect toward you? This is a good time to get her to talk about them.
4. Talk about seeking professional help
This may help her sort through whatever she may be going through and get your relationship back on track. If she acts spooked, back off and try again later.
Being married to a woman who has lost respect for her husband can be a painful ordeal. She may choose to be subtle with the signs she shows or to be vocal about her disrespect.
In any case, follow the steps covered in the last section of this article to begin your journey back to complete emotional healing.
You may need to enlist the help of professional counselors on this journey. Don’t be afraid to go for counseling; as individuals and as a couple.
Should you be in the midst of a divorce or contemplating divorce, contact the Law Offices of Renee Lazar at 978-8444-095 to schedule a FREE one hour no obligation consultation.