To prove your military status, you may be asked to present documentation on multiple occasions. One of these is the judicial system in Massachusetts. For an active-duty servicemember, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is a must-have (SCRA). This protects service members and their families from a range of legal risks that other people don’t have access to.
The SCRA covers not just currently serving military members but also those who have been discharged within the last 90 days, as well as members of the National Guard and reservists. This law can provide legal immunity or a suspension of financial obligations for service personnel serving abroad. The SCRA’s Military Status Verification can ensure that they are not taken advantage of while they are overseas. It is a helpful website for quickly verifying a member’s status for certain benefits. It’s an effective method that can supply you with a rock-solid confirmation of the service members’ standing.
- Unless the monthly rent is more than $3,991.00, service members are shielded from eviction under the SCRA.
- Also, foreclosures are prohibited unless there is a court ruling.
- If you have made a down payment or payment in full before joining, your vehicle cannot be repossessed without a valid legal order.
- You cannot be summoned to court while absent from the country in a civil court proceeding, such as a divorce or a child support hearing.
- Contents of a storage unit are protected from seizure and sale by the Act even if the service member is behind on rent.
For verification of your military status, you will need the following:
Affidavit of the Military Service
They may manifest otherwise depending on where you are and what laws apply in your area. On the other hand, they simply reveal whether or not a person is actively serving. An affidavit of military service is a sworn statement attesting to a person’s enrollment in or separation from the armed forces. Included are the basics, including name and date of birth.
These are given to service members upon their separation from the armed forces. The DD Form 215 should still be acceptable as long as it is the most recent version. They are given to service members who have been discharged with honor. After being divorced, some people receive this in the mail.
This form needs to be filled out by Reservists who have finished their military obligations. The National Guard routinely has the NG-22 or the improved NG-22a version available.
Veterans can prove their worth by submitting a statement describing the work they did in the military. It can also verify that the person was dismissed from the military with honor.
Form of Military Orders
Proof of active duty service can be provided using this document. Financial institutions use them, too, to verify a customer’s status as a member of the armed forces.
Keep in mind that neither active-duty military members nor civilian employees of the Department of Defense are eligible for verification over the phone. The best places to check on the status of active-duty service members are the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) and the more user-friendly Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Centralized Verification Service (SCRACVS).
Should you be in the midst of a military divorce or contemplating divorce, contact the Law Offices of Renee Lazar at 978-844-4095 to schedule a FREE one hour no obligation consultation.